Submitted by Ellis Environmental Group

Archaeologists with EEG recently completed the evaluations of 11 sites on Robins Air Force Base in Houston County, Georgia. Sites 9HT55 and 9HT56, both near Echeconnee Creek, were the only two found to be eligible for listing on the National Register. The former had seven components (Early, Middle, and Late Archaic; Early and Middle Woodland; Late Mississippian Lamar; and Historic Creek) and the latter had five (Late Archaic; Early and Middle Woodland; Late Mississippian Lamar; and Historic Creek). A number of lithic and ceramic diagnostics were recovered from both sites. One interesting item that caused some premature Paleo excitement was an Early Archaic unifacial sidescraper (see picture). A report on this work is forthcoming.

Posted online on Thursday, December 1st, 2005

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