Submitted by Terracon Consultants (770-623-0755)

Terracon archaeologists and historians continue to maintain busy field schedules across the southeast. The summer and autumn seasons have sent our staff to southwest, northern, and coastal Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, and the far reaches of northwest Virginia.

Recently we have completed Phase I & II surveys for GDOT of a 32-mile corridor road expansion project through Dougherty, Worth and Colquitt counties. Forty-five archaeological occurrences were found during the survey, 39 of which were archaeological sites and six were isolated finds. Additionally, an unmarked cemetery was delineated and recorded within Worth County. Two sites, 9WO41 and 9DU173, were examined with Phase II testing. 9WO41 is an amalgam of small Early to Middle Woodland seasonal habitation sites; however, there is the possibility of a Paleoindian component. 9DU173 is a multi-component site with evidence of Archaic encampments and an historic mid-to-late twentieth-century privy. Neither site was recommended eligible for the NRHP due to lack of integrity and heavy disturbance over long periods of time.

In north Georgia, we conducted four surveys in Hall County for various multi-use developments, including a 6-mile survey for bike trail improvements at Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve. Currently, we are completing a 13-mile GDOT corridor survey that extends from Forsyth County into Hall County. Thus far, we have identified an early nineteenth-century house site in Hall County. Miscellaneous projects north of the Fall Line were completed in Clayton, Fayette, Fulton, Gordon, and Gwinnett counties; however, much of the fieldwork for these counties fell within urban limits, which yielded negative findings.

In August, we identified an Early Woodland site, 9GN326, upon the completion of a survey for a proposed sewer line. The survey area was located adjacent to Oak Grove Cemetery, the oldest historic cemetery in Brunswick, Georgia. A possible grave shaft was also discovered outside the cemetery fence line. Neither archaeological occurrence was recommended eligible for the NRHP; however, based on our findings, the proposed line was relocated, preserving 9GN326 and the possible grave shaft.

In Laurens, South Carolina, we discovered a mid-nineteenth century homestead and an associated unmarked cemetery within a 22.3-acre tract of land slated for commercial development. Due to heavy erosion and bulldozing, the site was not recommended eligible for NRHP.

This winter season we look forward to commencing archaeology and historic preservation work in Peach, Troup, and Sumter counties.

Posted online on Friday, December 1st, 2006

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