Submitted by The LAMAR Institute, Inc.

Since our last report of activity, which covered up to April 2007, our research team has remained active. We completed the archaeological reports on Fort Hawkins in Bibb County, Nash Farm Battlefield in Henry County, and North End Plantation of Ossabaw Island. We also completed several smaller reports on GPR surveys at Bullhead Bluff Cemetery and Fort St. Andrews in Camden County. Archival research in Washington, D.C., revealed previously unknown documents about Fort Hawkins, include one “smoking gun” that helped to date the construction of the outer palisade wall, to late 1809. Subsequently, two weeks of archaeological excavations (Phase 2) were completed at Fort Hawkins in October. That excavation, which was to be a mundane examination of the outer palisade wall proved to be anything but mundane, as three previously unknown palisade walls were discovered. These formed an enclosure surrounding the southeastern blockhouse, which was heretofore unknown and is not shown on any known illustrations, photographic images, or verbal descriptions of the fort. Thanks to all the volunteers (including several SGA members) who helped on the Fort Hawkins dig! The LAMAR Institute GPR team conducted GPR surveys at four aboriginal sites on Genesis Point plantation in Bryan County, as well as GPR surveys in the vicinity of the Springhill Redoubt in Savannah. We still have a backlog of other reports that are in progress, which we intend to complete in 2008. Look for new additions of reports at our website.

Posted online on Saturday, December 1st, 2007

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a critical step in archaeological research, sometimes overlooked; after field work and laboratory analysis, document searches, and a period of thoughtfulness, a good, ethical archaeologist prepares a report on the investigations.

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