Submitted by Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society

This has been another great year for the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society, with membership increases and excellent monthly meeting programs. We are pleased to have new members from many backgrounds, including professional archaeologists, students, and avocational archaeologists. We want to thank SGA for continuing support in helping to recruit members and speakers for our monthly meetings.

Our November meeting attracted more than 40 members and guests who participated in the hands-on examination, identification and classification of pottery sherds from the southeastern Georgia site of Santa Isabel de Utinahica, the Spanish mission first built around 1506. Dennis Blanton, Archaeologist in Charge, provided the artifacts, instructions, supervision, and encouragement for the proper completion of the lab work by GAAS participants. Much more is yet to come, as there will be an additional three weeks of work done at the site before 2007 expires! Predictions are that‚ “history will be changed” by the findings. EXCITING!

December 11th is our annual meeting date. Allen Vegotsky is Chair of the nominating committee, and he has a slate of new officers and board members who will produce new growth and activities in 2008. GAAS members, former GAAS members, and visitors are invited to join our Pre-Meeting Potluck Dinner at 7:30 on December 11, 2007. If you have not already done so, please call our hotline—(404) 315-8088—to reserve your place and get directions to the meeting place.

January will feature Lloyd Schroder who will present‚ “An Overview of Florida’s Anthropology.” Lloyd has published a book recently which provides in-depth descriptions, with history and illustrations of lithic points and tools found in Florida and South Georgia. The book is a single source for identification of points going back to the Paleo-Indian occupation. It will be a good opportunity to get an autographed copy of the book for your library.

February will bring Carey Geiger‚ “back from Mobile” with a new PowerPoint presentation of recently recovered Clovis and Pre-Clovis artifacts from the Topper Site. This will be a MUST SEE program.

GAAS is pleased to have a new Program Chair, Christine Van Roosen, who is working hard and rapidly to fill the program dates for 2008. Please contact Christine with your suggestions and ideas via email at [email protected].

Posted online on Saturday, December 1st, 2007

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GAAS April meeting: Forts Daniel and Peachtree

The Greater Atlanta Chapter (GAAS) of the SGA will meet next on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013, at 6:30 pm at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. The speaker will be Jim D’Angelo, who will discuss recently discovered information in the National Archives on the roles of Fort Peachtree and Fort Daniel in the Creek Indian War of 1813-1815.

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