Our annual holiday party was held Thursday night December 13th at the home of Audrey and Paul Mahoney. Officers elected for 2008 were as follows.

President – Rosanne Stutts

Vice President – John Arena

Treasurer – Diane Black

Secretary and Bulletin Editor – Donna Hope

Programs and Special Events Chairman – John Whatley

Steve Ferrell from Old Edgefield Pottery was guest speaker at our February 21st meeting. Steve shared his extensive expertise on the history of historic pottery in the Edgefield, South Carolina district, including slides of many original vessels.

Tammy Herron, Chris Murphy, and John Whatley attended the SGA board meeting February 9th at Little Ocmulgee State Park. Chris Murphy is following up on efforts to get radio spots (radio scripts) relevant to Georgia archaeology broadcast on the PBS stations. Tammy has been active with the archaeology bus project, which will hopefully be on the road this coming spring. John Whatley is investigating the possibility of revising and republishing the Early Georgia projectile point issue.

Diane Black published an article on the historic Clinton-Anderson house in Richmond County in the Augusta Richmond County History journal.

Jill Nazarete continued her volunteer work with the Savannah River Site Archaeological Research Program.

Rosanne Stutts, John Whatley and Diane Black are continuing to work on a pottery type hand out for our Archaeology Day.

Our Archaeology Day is planned for June 7th at the Ezekiel Harris House in Augusta. Events will include flint knapping, primitive skills demonstrations and artifact identification.

The next chapter meeting is scheduled for Thursday night April 17th at Famous Dave’s Bar B Que on Washington Road in Augusta. Our speaker will be retired National Park Service archaeologist Mark Barnes who will speak on new perspectives on the earliest cultures in North America.

Posted online on Saturday, March 1st, 2008

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AAS December newsletter now available

The Augusta Archaeological Society, a chapter of the Society for Georgia Archaeology, publishes a newsletter called The Debitage. The December 2009 issue is available as a PDF, downloadable as separate pages.

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