Submitted by Carolyn Rock

This Spring’s SGA symposium is just around the corner, scheduled for Saturday, April 26 at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta. The meeting, titled Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period: New Discoveries and Improved Understandings, will provide a full day of speakers presenting the latest discoveries about the Spanish colonial presence in the state, and Spain’s interaction with Native Americans as well as other Europeans. In addition, Fernbank will be hosting a display of selected artifacts from the Santa Catalina mission on St. Catherine’s Island. The meeting will kick off May’s Georgia Archaeology Month, where events will be taking place throughout Georgia. Details of both the meeting and Georgia Archaeology Month are included on pages 8-9, 5, and 15-18, and also posted on our website.

Without the help of our co-sponsors, the sharing of Archaeology Month educational material with the public would simply not be possible. Donations contribute to the printing and distribution of posters, event calendars, and teaching materials to teachers, students, legislators and the general population. A big thank you goes to this year’s co-sponsors—the Archaeological Services Unit (Georgia Department of Natural Resources), Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists, Bland and Associates, Brockington and Associates, Coosawattee Foundation, Council on American Indian Concerns, Edwards- Pitman Environmental, Environmental Services Inc., LAMAR Institute, New South Associates, Panamerican Consultants, Southeastern Archeological Services, TRC, and Terracon.

Also, many thanks to the organizations sponsoring events. Additional recognition goes to Archaeology Month committee members Betsy Shirk (chair), Dennis Blanton and Kathryn Ruedrich (spring program), Catherine Long, Pamela Johnson; Tammy Herron. The event brochure was produced by Mary Beth Reed, and editing of narratives and educational materials undertaken by Mary Beth, Betsy Shirk, and Rita Elliott.

On February 9, the SGA Board and officers attended the winter board of directors meeting at Little Ocmulgee State Park. We analyzed and discussed fundraising, public relations, membership, advocacy, and our newest public outreach project, the Archaeology Bus. We had just received news of a grant awarded to get the bus painted or “wrapped” in SGA style! We hope to have it ready to show off at the Spring Meeting!

Another item on the Board’s agenda is to begin preparing Annual Reports, summarizing our activities and accomplishments each year. We hope to have our first report ready for the next Profile issue. See you at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History on April 26. Meanwhile, check out the Archaeology Month events posted at our website.

Posted online on Saturday, March 1st, 2008

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President's Message, fall 2008

Submitted by Carolyn Rock It’s hard to believe that my term as President of SGA is coming to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with so many volunteers, both professional and avocational, who are dedicated to the preservation of Georgia’s archaeological heritage.

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