Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected])

Recently my husband, Dan, and I learned of the deaths of two friends. Both had been clergy and both were connected to the coastal colonial site of the Salzburgers, some of Georgia’s first European settlers. One friend was young and one was not. One recently died and one passed away several months before we learned of it. Both were supporters of archaeology and history. Flowers were not an option in one case and not preferred in the other. Suddenly it occurred to us that the most fitting way to honor each was through a donation in their memory. A contribution to the SGA Endowment Fund would recognize their support of archaeology in such a living way, as a perpetual source to support archaeology outreach and education across Georgia. What a perfect way to honor the lives and actions of each, by touching countless generations into the future in ways that will help preserve archaeological sites beyond our own lifetimes. Here’s to Raymond Davis and Stewart Hughes, supporters and friends.

While some gifts to the SGA Endowment are in honor or in memory of individuals, others are generously given from honorariums. SGA thanks Dennis Blanton for the contribution to the endowment of an honorarium given him by another organization for a presentation. What a lovely idea. Thank you, Dennis!

Contributions to the SGA Endowment earn interest that is used to support public archaeological outreach by the society. The principal is never spent. Please consider supporting the fund with a check made out to “The Society for Georgia Archaeology” and “Endowment Fund” in the memo line. Checks may be mailed to the SGA Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603. If you have any questions regarding the endowment, please contact: Rita Elliott, (706) 341-7797, or [email protected].

Posted online on Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

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In difficult economic times, we thank you

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) In economic times such as we are experiencing today, it may be difficult to contribute to your favorite worthy non-profit. We understand and we appreciate past and current donors.

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