The Augusta Archaeological Society has been busy with a variety of stewardship, research, and outreach activities.

John Arena and John Whatley visited Stallings Island on September 12 to check on the status of the vegetation, goats, and donkeys for the Archaeological Conservancy. On September 18 seven of our members met with George Lowrey and Jessica Crawford (Southeast Regional Director) from the Conservancy to plan future work on Stallings Island. John Arena and Charles Gorse followed up in October and November, finding the goat population intact and put out 100 pounds of grass seed on the mound.

Al Goodyear spoke at our October 9 meeting catching us up on his work at the Topper site. John Whatley visited local lithics quarry sites with archaeologist Ken Styer of R.S. Webb and Associates, and later with Chris Moore and Mark Brooks from the Savannah River Site archeological research team.

John Whatley met visitors with Savannah River Site archaeologist Chris Moore at the Redcliffe Plantation Archaeology Day September 27. John Whatley took part in the artifact identification day at Indian Springs State Park with the Ocmulgee Archaeological Society on October 11.

Tammy Herron, Chris Murphy and John Whatley attended the SGA board meeting and fall meeting in Rome, Georgia, October 17–18. Tammy has been active with the ArchaeoBus project. The annual chapter holiday party will be held Thursday night December 11 at the home of Audrey and Paul Mahoney.

Posted online on Saturday, December 20th, 2008

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AAS February meeting speaker: Scot Keith

Submitted by Allen Vegotsky ([email protected]) SGA member Allen Vegotsky writes on behalf of the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society: I am very pleased to announce that the next presentation the the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society (GAAS) will be given by Scot Keith.

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