During the holiday rush, here is a poem, as you consider the benefits of giving a contribution to the SGA Endowment Fund as a holiday gift. Such a gift is a wonderful way to recognize the business associates, colleagues, friends, and family in your life and is a great way to support public archaeological outreach. Acknowledgement notes are sent to the honoree, as well as the gift-giver. And both names appear in the following issue of The Profile. All contributions are tax deductable.

This poem was written in 1917 by Albert Stroud and was published in The Journal Press, Coffeyville, Kansas. The entire poem can be read on the internet here.

We thank all past Endowment supporters, all 2008 donors, as well as our most recent contributors to the fund. The latter includes Carol Ann Leonard, John (Chip) Morgan, and Chris Murphy. Each of these three contributions was in memory of Fred Scheidler. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful memorials in Fred’s honor. As always, all contributions are placed in an Endowment Fund where the principal remains protected as it generates interest that is used for public archaeology outreach projects. Please contact Rita Elliott (912) 826-5214, [email protected], if you have questions about the SGA Endowment. Here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

Posted online on Saturday, December 20th, 2008

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