Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected])

In economic times such as we are experiencing today, it may be difficult to contribute to your favorite worthy non-profit. We understand and we appreciate past and current donors. These most recently have included: Stan McAfee (in honor of Corley Thomas), The Bulloch Hall Archaeological Society (in memory of Fred Scheidler), Charlotte “Sammy” Smith and John Burns, Carole Griffith, Tammy Herron, and Jack Wynn and Mary Frank Wynn. A very hearty thanks to each of you! The Society for Georgia Archaeology Endowment Fund currently stands at $22,209.

Should you be in need of a tax deductible contribution for your income tax form, please consider the SGA Endowment. SGA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit and contributions are fully deductible as allowed by law. Contributions are never spent, only the interest is used to fund public outreach projects. Checks should be made out to “SGA”, with “SGA Endowment” on the subject line. Please mail them to “SGA Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603”. If you are interested in discussing the Endowment, or have questions, please contact Rita Elliott, SGA Endowment Chair, (912) 826-5214 or [email protected].

Posted online on Friday, March 13th, 2009

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