The New Georgia Encyclopedia is a premier on-line resource for information about Georgia’s past, although it emphasizes Georgia’s history over its prehistory. Click here to visit the New Georgia Encyclopedia website.

The University of Georgia’s Laboratory of Archaeology website provides, among other things, downloadable PDFs of the Laboratory of Archaeology Series Reports. The first publication in the series was in 1960, and the author was Arthur R. Kelly, the founder of the University of Georgia Department of Anthropology and the Laboratory of Archaeology. Publications cover important topics and sites from around the state.

The Digital Library of Georgia has many useful resources for anyone interested in Georgia’s past. It calls itself a gateway to Georgia’s history and culture through digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, government documents, newspapers, maps, audio, video, and other resources. Click here to go to the Digital Library of Georgia.

Our state has established NAHRGIS: Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographic Information System. A geographic information system links data to location, and allows sophisticated spatial analyis. Thus, NAHRGIS is a Georgia-oriented GIS that also serves as an interactive registry for data on the natural, archaeological, and historic resources of Georgia. In its current, initial phase of development, NAHRGIS contains information about Georgia’s archaeological and historic resources. In the NAHRGIS system, archaeological resources means archaeological sites recorded in the Georgia Archaeological Site File. Historic resources includes buildings, structures, historic sites, landscapes, and districts included in the Historic Preservation Division’s Historic Resources Survey or listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

SGA’s own William F. Stanyard has established a website where he summarizes Georgia’s human past and offers other important information about archaeology in our state.

Posted online on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

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public archaeology

in general, this term applies to any archaeological projects undertaken with total or partial funding from public coffers (Federal, state, municipal, other); see also CRM archaeology Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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