Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Rebecca Burns writes a lively and informative blog on Atlanta called Terminus 2.0. Check it out here. She notes:

Is it paradoxical to blog about history? Maybe. But that’s the broadly conceived mission of Terminus 2.0. In a city that prefers to bulldoze than preserve, where dynamics change daily, the occasional backward glance can help put it all into context. And what’s with the name? Terminus is one of Atlanta’s previous monikers, bestowed in the 1800s when a railroad hub was planned for the locale that is now home to metro Atlanta.

Ms. Burns is interactive director of Atlanta magazine, and author of Rage in the Gate City: The Story of the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot (2006).

Her blogroll includes a link to! Thanks, Ms. Burns!

Posted online on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

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