Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected])

The theme for Archaeology Month 2010 will focus on Primitive Technology, and the committee is very close to deciding on a catchy title for use on the poster and other promotional literature for this celebration. Plans for the Spring 2010 meeting are underway with a unique twist in store for you!

Rather than organizing lecture presentations, we have opted to invite modern-day craftsmen who practice olden-day techniques, such as flintknappers, potters, basket makers, and weavers, to bring the ways of the past to life. We are hoping to pair each exhibiter with an archaeologist who will discuss how the technology depicted relates back to the field of archaeology. A tour to a local archaeological site is in the works as well.

Committee members are busy working to nail down a time and place for the event in the southwestern corner of the state near Albany. This area is rich in history but lacks an SGA chapter. Perhaps by holding our Spring meeting in this region, we can drum up interest and encourage the organization of a new chapter!

Please check this website and the next issue of The Profile for updates regarding the Spring meeting.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Monday, December 7th, 2009

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Archaeology Month 2010 Recap

Submitted by Tammy F. Herron ([email protected]) The Society for Georgia Archaeology’s seventeenth annual Georgia Archaeology Awareness promotion, Archaeology Month 2010, had as its theme Making the Past Come to Life: Exploring Ancient Techniques.

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