The Society for Georgia Archaeology invites you to join us in honoring the our state’s seventeenth annual Archaeology Month! The theme is “Making the Past Come to Life! Exploring Ancient Techniques.”

Attend our Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 15th at The Parks at Chehaw, 105 Chehaw Park Road, just outside of Albany [map below].

The meeting features exciting outdoor demonstrations by modern-day craftsmen who will show you skills much like our ancestors'.

You will see flintknapping, cordage, burn and scrape woodworking, weaving and woven bags, bone tools, steatite carving, basket making, pottery, brain tanning of hides, fire by friction, edible/medicinal plants, and other skills. The demonstrators and archaeologists include Ben Kirkland, Scott Jones, James Stewart, Jackie Briggs, Sean Taylor, Carl Etheridge, Brian Floyd, Keith Grenoble, and Nancy Basket.

The meeting will also host a kid’s area with hands-on activities that children always enjoy.

Also at the meeting, the SGA’s unique ArchaeoBus will be open for tours. The ArchaeoBus is SGA’s travelling emissary, bringing dynamic educational programs around the state. Read more about the ArchaeoBus here.

The SGA has reserved a block of rooms, and has assembled hotel information for establishments convenient The Parks at Chehaw.

You can now download the Archaeology Month Events Brochure for this year.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Friday, April 30th, 2010

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SGA's 2011 Spring Meeting agenda set

The agenda is set for the SGA’s Spring Meeting, which will be held at the Henry County Chamber of Commerce in McDonough on Saturday, May 14th. Events associated with the meeting commence on Friday the 13th, and continue on Sunday the 15th.

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