Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected])

Tackling the task at hand! Packaging is underway!

As the Archaeology Month Committee Chairman, you know you are on the home stretch when you are able to schedule Packaging Day for the posters. With the poster design safely in the hands of the printer, SGA Vice President Catherine Long ordered poster tubes so that copies of the poster could be shipped to 8th-grade history teachers throughout Georgia, as well as to the sponsors of Archaeology Month and the event co-sponsors. On Thursday April 15th, 575 tubes arrived at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta. Brothers Trade Printing did a wonderful job printing 2,000 archaeology month posters and delivered them to Fernbank on Thursday, April 22nd. With this delivery in hand, the stage was set for Packaging Day to take place on Monday, April 26th.

On the morning of the 26th, thirteen volunteers—including members of the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society and the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society—arrived ready for work detail. Volunteers collated paperwork, rolled posters, stuffed tubes, affixed mailing labels, constructed boxes from recycled cardboard, and packed boxes throughout the course of the day. With the majority of the work completed shortly after noon, mouthwatering pizza was enjoyed by all for lunch—thank you, Dennis! Approximately 45 volunteer hours were logged throughout the course of the day. Special thanks to Dennis Blanton, Beth Gantt, Kate Jackson, David Kasriel, Lyn Kirkland, Catherine Long, Karen Oates, Leslie Perry, Dot Rascoe, Armondo Tovar, Connie White, and Allen Vegotsky for your diligence and expedience in assisting me throughout the day!

Click on the thumbnails below to see more pictures!

[nggallery id=20]

Posted online on Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

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