They even got to study animal bones to learn about people’s diet, environment, and the kinds of animals they raised or hunted.

This photo shows my new Junior Ranger friends standing next to me. The non-little people are Fort Morris Staff, volunteers, and friends (Arthur, Debbie, Amy Leigh, and Carol). My new Junior Ranger friends were very nice and I wouldn’t be surprised if someday after years of college scientific training and working with professional archaeologists, one of them comes back on board as a real archaeologist!

* Handler’s Note: Abby thought it best not to use real names in many cases, especially when referring to her “handlers”—those people responsible for driving her and administering programs, and to some people she meets in her travels.

** Handler’s Note: Abby means “young people; children”.

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June 18th, 2014

\ Not only did we get to play around outside, but my New South crew played some fun games with the kids inside, where they got to learn how archaeologists observe and study artifacts.

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