Submitted by James J. D'Angelo ([email protected])

Jim D’Angelo, member of the SGA and the SGA chapter Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society—GARS, as well as leader with the Fort Daniel Foundation, recently sent the following: “You will be proud, I’m sure, to know that our Fort Daniel project as been named a ‘Regionally Important Resource’ by the Atlanta Regional Commission. The following entry appears in the draft copy of the Commission’s PLAN 2040: Regional Resource Plan:”

The Fort Daniel Archaeological Project in Gwinnett County is included as a Regionally Important Resource for its historic value documenting late 18th/early 19th century frontier settlement patterns in Georgia, and also as an example of the importance of preservation of archaeological sites and the role they plan within a green infrastructure network. The effort to excavate and document Fort Daniel has been lead by professional archaeologists and volunteers, including the efforts of the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society. Their efforts have resulted in the Friends of Fort Daniel, which has since transformed itself into the non-profit Fort Daniel Foundation, Inc. They have been able to leverage funds to complete a master plan of the site to be developed as the Fort Daniel Historic Site and Archaeological Research Park. Once constructed, the park will serve purposes of both conservation and recreation, and provide a unique educational experience as well. [page 40]

The PLAN 2040 is designed to:

In the Executive Summary, the PLAN notes (page 3):

Ultimately, the plan will be used to “…coordinate activities and planning of local governments, land trusts and conservation or environmental protection groups’ activities in the region, and state agencies toward protection and management of the identified Regionally Important Resources.” In addition to the work that ARC has done with mapping the Region’s Greenspace Inventory and developing a Green Infrastructure Toolkit, the Regional Resources Plan furthers the work being done on the local, regional, state and federal levels to preserve environmental resources, historic sites, and unique cultural landscapes. With the articulated goal of fostering a continuous green infrastructure network, the Regional Resource Plan promotes balanced growth and sustainable development practices to enhance the quality of life in communities throughout the region.

Click here to go to the ARC webpage with downloadable files, including maps and a PDF of PLAN 2010.

Posted online on Monday, October 4th, 2010

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Fort Daniel Foundation schedules annual meeting for December 15th

The Fort Daniel Foundation has scheduled its annual meeting for 7:00 pm on December 15th at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center (GJAC) in Lawrenceville in the 2nd floor conference room center.

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