Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

With a name like Scull Shoals*, ya gotta check out this place!

And it’s fascinating! There’s a big river—the Oconee. There’re ruins—from an historic industrial complex!

Indeed, the Scull Shoals Mill Village had Georgia’s first paper mill, a water-powered sawmill, grist mills, and a big textile mill. This complex included homes, warehouses, docks, and more.

There’s room to picnic, and a trail you can explore through the woods!

This place is supported by your tax dollars—it’s in the Oconee National Forest. But this fragile archaeological resource also has private caretakers, the Friends of Scull Shoals. Visit their website and join their efforts—even before you visit Scull Shoals. Friends of Scull Shoals volunteers also work on archaeological research to help us all better understand this remarkable multi-component archaeological site.

[* And yes, it is spelled “Scull.”]{.small}

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Friday, October 22nd, 2010

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Road trip: Russell Cave

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The mouth of Russell Cave, looking out in springtime. Visit Russell Cave and walk back in time. Russell Cave is in the TAG area—where the states of Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia meet (get it: T-A-G?

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