Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Promotional image from the official Indiana Jones website.

Archaeologists are interesting and have mystique. The challenge of the next decade, and beyond, is to harness glamour.

So argues Zachary Nelson in the conclusion to his article, “The Future of archaeology: A media prophesy,” in the November 2010 issue of The SAA Archaeological Record, the newsletter of the Society for American Archaeology.

Nelson’s article is one of seven in a forum that addresses “Archaeology in the news through time.” Several articles address how archaeology has been treated in the media, especially in movies and on television, for a decade at a time, beginning with the 1950s.

Do you agree with Zachary Nelson? Is the greatest challenge of archaeology in the media “harnessing glamour”?

Posted online on Friday, December 17th, 2010

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Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Elsewhere on this website, archaeology is defined as: the study of past human culture by analyzing the material remains (sites and artifacts) people left behind; the science of archaeology involves recording, interpreting, and recreating past human life

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