Submitted by Allen Vegotsky ([email protected])

The January meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, January 25, 2011. Everything else is as follows:

Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society member Allen Vegotsky sent the following notice…. GAAS is a Chapter of the Society for Georgia Archaeology.

I am pleased to report that the next meeting of the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society (GAAS) will feature a talk by Rachel Hensley, Archaeology Lab Manager, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, on Deciphering Lamar Incised Ceramics on the Lower Ocmulgee River. For those of you who may have missed the announcement in the Online newsletter, Atlanta Antiquity, here is the introduction provided by Dennis Blanton.

“Lamar incised ceramics are a common type present on late prehistoric sites across Georgia and there is often an expectation that attributes of the incised motifs may be unique to particular times and places. Rachel has put that idea to the test by looking at samples from several sites on the Ocmulgee and, notably, they are sites that have produced sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish artifacts. Please join us to discover how Rachel’s analysis is clarifying the picture of Native occupation in an understudied area of the state.”

The talk will begin at 7:30 PM and “social time” will begin at 7:00 PM. The Museum is located at 767 Clifton Road just north of Ponce de Leon. If you are interested in attending a pre-meeting dinner with Ms. Hensler and others, please let me know for a head count. The dinner will be at Athens Pizza (Greek and Italian food mainly) at 5:30 PM. The restaurant is located on Clairmont Road a short distance north of the intersection with N. Decatur Road.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Friday, January 7th, 2011

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Submitted by Lyn Kirkland and Stefan Brannan The Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society is a Chapter of the SGA. Brannan spoke at the Chapter’s March 2013 monthly meeting on March 12th. Read all stories on this website about GAAS activities by clicking here.

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