Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Photo by Josh D. Weiss for the Wall Street Journal, showing Garrett Silliman recording Civil War archaeological remains.

What happened in the Kennesaw/Smyrna area during June 1864?

Archaeologists are still discovering data from the landscape that illuminates the historical record, as Cameron McWhirter notes a January 31st, 2011, Wall Street Journal article. McWhirter writes:

Battlefield archaeology is meticulous work. It takes years of education and mastery of sensitive equipment, including global positioning systems, ground-penetrating radar, advanced metal detectors and extremely precise mapping software.

You might think that Civil War-period battle trenches are now all gone, obliterated by the sprawl that has overtaken the Atlanta metro area. SGA member Garrett Silliman’s work shows some of our hidden heritage survives, although only remnant pieces, in the Kennesaw area.

Read another Cameron McWhirter story from 2009 about Civil War research noted on this website by clicking here.

Posted online on Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

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