Submitted by Pamela Baughman, SGA Secretary ([email protected])

I took over for long-serving secretary Tom Gresham in October of 2010, and I am excited to have the opportunity to continue to serve SGA, meet current members, encourage new memberships, and interact with the SGA Leadership. As Secretary, my responsibilities include handling membership information/data, correspondence with members, archiving of important organizational documentation, and recording of minutes for the meetings of the Board and Officers. I previously served on the Board of Directors for two shortened terms, from 2006-2010, so it is especially interesting for me to support SGA in this new way. I hope to continue to improve the contribution of this office to the SGA organization, but I need every member’s help! Please contact me to update any information or address any concerns. You can always reach me via the SGA address, PO Box 693, Athens, GA 30603 or via email.

If you don’t know already, membership in SGA is an outstanding value! For a basic individual membership fee of $25 (other categories are available, see membership form), you can be engaged in archaeology in Georgia on multiple levels—local, regional, and statewide—as you join amateurs and professionals in lectures, fieldwork, meetings, and other events focused on promoting the preservation of archaeological sites, the study of archaeological data, and the education of the general public about archaeological issues. You will receive a scholarly journal, with peer-reviewed articles detailing the latest news and thought on archaeology in Georgia, and you will always be kept up-to-date, connected, and involved via the Profile newsletter and SGA website. SGA also sponsors Georgia’s Archaeology Month (May), offering events focused on archaeology and meetings with lectures and tours (including discounts for members). Membership also gives you a vote in Society business matters; with this vote, or by volunteering for a leadership or committee position, you can help chart the way for SGA and archaeology in Georgia, and you can share your skills with a wide archaeological community. So, don’t just get involved in SGA for Archaeology Month only, make sure you join us and “get into Georgia’s past” all year long!

GET ON THE BUS (ArchaeoBus that is)!

Membership Levels/Dues:

Click here to download the membership form.

Individual $25: regular membership for an individual

Family $30: regular membership for 2 individuals in a family unit

Student $15: membership for a currently enrolled student, please send copy of ID with payment

Institutional $75 : membership for libraries, universities, or organizations

Chapter $25: SGA chapters receive one regular membership with benefits
-$5 : Chapter members who also become SGA members receive a discount on SGA membership dues in their chosen category (see chapter listing and map to see where you could “fit in” with SGA on the local/regional level)

[SGA membership runs January to December.]

Posted online on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

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