Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park invites the public to participate in a walking tour along the corridor of the old Federal Road on Moccasin Bend. The two hour program begins at 4 PM on Sunday, March 13th, and will be led by National Military Park Historian Jim Ogden. The tour will gather in the parking lot of the Chattanooga Bakery, 900 Manufacturers Road, on Moccasin Bend; look for the “Special Event” signs along Manufacturers Road west of US 27 and the park ranger who will direct you to the parking area. A formal, developed trail is not yet in place so some of the route will include varying surfaces along old farm roads and utility right-of-ways once we cross Pineville Road. Please wear rugged, comfortable and supportive footwear and clothing suitable for the weather.

This early spring, late afternoon walk will explore a bit of the “hidden” history at the Moccasin Bend National Archeological District along the corridor (but not always the exact alignment) of one of the branches of the old Federal Road. It will move across the ground where a party in the Cherokee Removal traveled in 1838 and take a look at the site of long-important Brown’s Ferry, over the Tennessee River. In addition, historian Ogden will relate the story of the risky and daring seizure of Brown’s Ferry in the Civil War as part of the effort that saved the Union army in Chattanooga from being starved into submission by opening the “Cracker Line” into the city.

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Posted online on Friday, March 11th, 2011

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the excavation of a site to obtain archaeological information before it is destroyed by a construction project or other development Mitigation removes the significant information a site that is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places has, so that the site may be destroyed or disturbed without the significant information it contains being lost.

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