Submitted by Lynn Pietak ([email protected])

Join us on Saturday, October 22nd, for the Fall Meeting of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. We welcome papers on all subjects for this meeting. Students are encouraged to participate.

Papers that focus on archaeological research in Georgia or the bordering states will be considered for the program. Each presenter should plan for a presentation of 20 minutes or less (including time for questions at the end). Please contact Lynn Pietak to submit your title by September 15 (in time to print presentation titles in The Profile) and please email your title and abstract (100 words) to Lynn Pietak. First come, first served; the number of slots is limited to 9-10. For questions, please call 770.823.8709.

The conference will take place at the Zell B. Miller Learning Center on the campus of the University of Georgia in Athens (48 Baxter Street at S. Lumpkin Street, Athens, 30605; map below). Coffee will be provided.

A tentative schedule is outlined below:
8:30am / Registration and Coffee
9:00am / Welcome
9:30am – 11:00am / General Presentations
11:00am / Business Meeting
11:30am-1:00pm / Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm – 4:00pm / General Presentations

All technology will be provided on site; please do not forget to bring your presentation on a memory stick. To learn more about the exciting Fall Meeting and live auction, please visit the SGA’s website here.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Saturday, July 30th, 2011

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Call for Papers for 2012 Spring SGA meeting

Submitted by Pamela Johnson Baughman ([email protected]) Join us on Saturday, May 19th, for the 2012 Spring Meeting of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. The theme for Archaeology Month is Commemorating the Bicentennial of the War of 1812.

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