Photo from NPS website here. Original caption: The Grange, one of the reserved properties located in the Dungeness Historic District.

The National Park Service manages the Cumberland Island National Seashore, along Georgia’s coast. The 30-day comment period for the management of some portions of the park will end on 12 August 2011. You can submit your comments via email.

The Park website notes:

On July 11, 2011 Cumberland Island will release the Former Reserved Properties Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for a 30 day public comment period. The plan outlines how seven properties will be used by the NPS to further its mission of resource protection and visitor service. The comment period will be open for 30 days through August 12, 2011. After the close of the 30 day comment period, the NPS will review the public comments and prepare a decision document to finalize the plan.

Several properties came into full NPS ownership recently, and the plan proposes two possible courses of action regarding these properties, which include not only land, but also standing structures, and, possibly, archaeological resources.

Page 2 of the Former Reserved Properties Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (dated July 2011) notes:

The environmental assessment (EA) associated with the management plan analyzes potential impacts to the human environment resulting from two alternative courses of action. These alternatives are: Alternative A (no action) and Alternative B (allow a mixture of removal and adaptive re-use of structures). Under Alternative A, the NPS would minimally maintain all non- historic structures and preserve three historic structures (i.e., The Grange, Beach Creek Dock House, and Stafford Beach House) in accordance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Under Alternative B, NPS would take the following actions: (a) remove all structures on the properties known as Nancy’s Fancy, Toonahowie, and the Schwartz-Jenkins property; (b) reuse the non-historic Goodsell and Phillips properties as employee/volunteer/researcher housing; (c) reuse the historic Grange and Beach Creek Dock House for visitor services, education, and/or recreation; and (d) reuse the historic Stafford Beach House for employee/volunteer/researcher housing. Alternative B would preserve and protect historic structures at The Grange, Beach Creek Dock House, and Stafford Beach House as required by applicable law and policy.

This plan addresses management of seven parcels; the largest is 20 acres. It notes on page 19 that “The objective in taking this action is to establish preferred uses for each reserved property that: (a) protect natural, cultural, and wilderness resources, (b) enhance the visitor experience, and (c) improve the overall operational efficiency of the Seashore.”

Follow this link to access the plan online and for instructions on making your comments.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Sunday, July 17th, 2011

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