Submitted by SGA President Catherine Long ([email protected])

For the past four years Tom Pluckhahn has served the Society for Georgia Archaeology as the Editor of our journal, Early Georgia.

As he is incoming Editor for Southeastern Archaeology, the journal of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, we could not pass up the opportunity to thank him for his contributions to continuing the professionalism of the journal. Issues have been engaging and kept members up to date on current research in Georgia.

Tom’s efforts to manage the process and work with the team to get it organized, published, and delivered to SGA membership would not be possible without the collaboration of several key individuals, Managing Editor Dr. David Hally, Debra Wells, Tom Gresham, and the students and staff at the University of Georgia archaeology lab. Tom has offered thoughtful recommendations for how to handle reprint requests and maintain its scholarly appeal.

We thank you again, Tom, for your dedication and extend best wishes on your endeavors.

For all stories about the SGA journal Early Georgia on this website, including information for those wishing to make submissions, click here.

Posted online on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

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