Submitted by Catherine Long, SGA President ([email protected])

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Spring Meeting co-sponsored by SGA and Georgia Gwinnett College!

The date is Saturday, May 19, 2012, starting at 8am in the state-of-the art Student Center. Registration is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Family rate available.

We certainly hope you will not miss the opportunity to hear about papers related on the War of 1812 but also local efforts with students and veterans.

Students, it is a great opportunity to meet archaeologists and speak with them about career opportunities and seek advice.

Colleagues, come catch up and enjoy lunch in the Student Center and carpool to the Fort Daniel site. There a great educational adventure awaits with Abby, the ArchaeoBus, ongoing excavations, a tour of Fort Daniel by Lead Archaeologist Dr. Jim D’Angelo (details below), an exhibit display and more!

We hope you will join us in celebrating May as Archaeology Month!

Click here to access a PDF of the Spring Meeting Program (final version). There is a registration fee.

SGA 2012 Spring Meeting Program

8:00am – 9:00am / Registration and Refreshments
9:00am / Welcome
9:15am – 9:35am / Flotation and Plant Identification from the Duckett Site: An Undergraduate Research Project / Leslie Raymer, Naomi Peevy, Amy Byers, Jason King, and Jack Wynn, North Georgia College and State University
9:35am – 10:05am / Fame’s Eternal Camping Grounds: Tracking down the Creek War in Middle Georgia / Stephen Hammack, Jim Preston, Terry Jackson, Shannon Walker and David Mincey
10:05am – 10:25am / Forgotten Invasion—Archaeological Excavations at Point Peter / Scott Butler, Brockington & Associates, Inc.
10:30am – 10:45am / Coffee Break
10:45am – 11:05am / Some Newly Considered Cartographic Sources for the Creek War of 1813-14 / Terry Jackson
11:05am – 11:25am / Georgia in the War of 1812: An Archaeologist’s Perspective / Dan Elliott, LAMAR Institute
11:25am – 11:55am / The Veterans Curation Project / Joseph Roberts, Brockington & Associates, Inc.
12:00pm – 12:30pm / SGA Business Meeting
12:30pm / Closing Remarks and Adjournment
AFTERNOON / The site visit to Fort Daniel is in honor of the 2012 Archaeology Month theme Commemorating the War of 1812. The program will begin at 2:00pm. On behalf of the Society for Georgia Archaeology, the local chapter of the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society (a Chapter of the SGA) and the Fort Daniel Foundation, we invite you to attend this educational program and learn the significance of this site to Gwinnett County’s frontier history.

Within the Student Center (Level 1) you are welcomed to join colleagues and friends for a quick lunch before traveling to the Fort Daniel site.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Thursday, May 10th, 2012

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