The South Georgia Archaeological Research Team, SOGART, a Chapter of the SGA, is sponsoring the 2012 Symposium on Southeastern Coastal Plain Archaeology, to be held Saturday, August 18th, in Stubbs Hall Auditorium on the South Georgia College campus in Douglas (see map below).

Registration is free, and will begin at 8:00AM. Papers are scheduled for all day, with morning and afternoon breaks to socialize, plus a lunch break.

Paper topics should appeal to anyone interested in Georgia archaeology. They range from SGA Board Member Kevin Kiernan’s presentation, “The Tabby Ruins of the Evelyn Plantation House in Glynn County, Georgia,” to Fred Cook’s presentation, “Experiments in Acorn and Tuber Collecting and Processing,” to SGA Board Member Don Thieme’s “Ground-Penetrating Radar Investigations at the Dixon-Rainey Cemetery site”—and more! You can also hear UGA graduate student Stefan Brannan discuss the results of the 2012 UGA Field School research (yes, this summer!) at the Singer-Moye Mississippian-period multi-mound-and-village community (recently visited by the Greater Atlanta Chapter of the SGA).

Click here to access a PDF of the all-day symposium program. Click here to access an announcement of the event suitable for posting; please post in the appropriate places.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Friday, August 3rd, 2012

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Remember SGA in year-end giving

As the end of 2012 approaches, the SGA Officers and Board Members encourage and invite you to support the SGA through a financial contribution to the SGA’s Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund is used to support educational outreach and the preservation of archaeological sites.

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