The SGA is a member of the Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives. Please read the following and dial your Representative NOW!

The Rules Committee in the Georgia House of Representatives has placed HB 287 on the schedule to be voted on tomorrow, Tuesday, February 26th. This is the bill which will transfer the Georgia Archives from the Office of the Secretary of State into the University System of Georgia. If you have not already done so, today is the time to call or email and encourage your Representative to vote in the affirmative for this bill and this transfer. Once again, here is a link to the bill. It was reported out favorably by the House Governmental Affairs Committee last Thursday.

(This is from an email written by Glenda E.A. Anderson, Member, Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board (GHRAB)).

Posted online on Monday, February 25th, 2013

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Archives to remain open

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The Georgia State Archives are to remain open. In late September 2012, as we noted on this website, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced that the Archives would close to the public on November 1st.

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