The Society for Georgia Archaeology invites undergraduate and graduate students to submit brief research reports, reviews of archaeological presentations and lectures, and essays about archaeological fieldwork and field trip experiences to The Profile. Topic areas are open, but should be related to the archaeology of Georgia and surrounding states. Submissions should generally be no longer than 1000 words. Accompanying photographs are encouraged. Submissions will be accepted at any time. Deadlines for the quarterly editions of The Profile are as follows:

Spring: March 31
Summer: June 30
Fall: September 30
Winter: December 31

For more information, and to submit your pieces for consideration, please contact Dr. Ben Steere by clicking here.

Posted online on Thursday, February 28th, 2013

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The fall SGA meeting is quickly approaching, but there’s still time to contribute! SGA is soliciting short paper and/or poster presentations for the fall meeting to be held the morning of Saturday, October 17 at Fort Daniel Elementary School in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

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