Mrs. Glenda E.A. Anderson, Member, Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board (GHRAB) writes in an email of March 24th, 2013:


Call now!

Mrs. Anderson notes good news:

HB 287, transferring the Georgia Archives into the University System of Georgia, passed the Senate unanimously (46-0) on March 21st. It now needs only the Governor’s signature to take effect on July 1, 2013.

And there’s “sort-of” good news:

The Georgia House Appropriations Committee has approved just over $224,000 in restored additional funds for the Georgia Archives in the 2014 budget. On March 21st, the Georgia Senate Appropriations Committee approved another $76,000 in additional restored funding. So, thus far, the General Assembly has approved just over $300,000 in restored additional funds for the Georgia Archives in the 2014 budget.

Here’s the problem:

But, the Chancellor and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requested $450,000 in restored additional funding for the Georgia Archives in the 2014 budget.

So $450,000 is what is needed.

Here’s where you come in:

We believe that our massive, statewide, 6-month, grassroots effort to contact every State Senator and Representative with printed information, correspondence, face-to-face meetings, calls, and emails is a major factor in the unanimous passage of HB 287 in both the House and the Senate. The Legislators heard our concerns, and they acted on them.

We need the same kind of massive, statewide, grassroots effort NOW, if we are going to have any hope of securing for the Georgia Archives the $450,0000 in restored additional funds which the University System needs to revive it.

Call now!

Here’s what you do by Wednesday, the 27th:

CALL the Offices of the members of the House & Senate Conference Committee members who will make the final revisions and decisions on the 2014 budget. Ask to speak to the Legislators. You likely will not be able to reach them. So, speak with their staff members, and ask them to get your message to the Legislators.

1. Thank the House members for their restored additional $224,000 for the Georgia Archives.

2. Thank the Senate members for their restored additional $76,000 for the Georgia Archives.

3. Ask both the House and Senate members PLEASE to fully fund the $450,000 the Chancellor requested for the Georgia Archives. That is the total which is needed. $150,000 more is still needed.

Here are the names and telephone numbers:

Senator Jack Hill (R-4, Reidsville), Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee, 404-656-5038

Representative Terry England (R-116, Auburn), Chairman, House Appropriations Committee, 404-463-2247

Senator Ronnie Chance (R-16, Tyrone), 404-463-1366

Senator David Shafer (R-48, Duluth), 404-656-0048

Representative Jan Jones (R-47, Milton), 404-656-5072

Representative Larry O’Neal (R-146, Bonaire), 404-656-5052

If you have time, you could also call your own Senator and Representative, and ask them to encourage their colleagues on the Conference Committee to “find” the additional $150,000 which is needed to complete the $450,000 for the Georgia Archives.

Along with Mrs. Anderson, the SGA reminds you, “We are in the home stretch of our advocacy efforts for the Georgia Archives during the 2013 General Assembly Session. This is the final push.”

Call now!

Posted online on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

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