You now can download or read issue number 156 of the SGA’s quarterly newsletter, The Profile. The stories in the issue are compiled from articles first presented on this website in January, February, or March of 2013. This issue can be downloaded and/or printed by clicking here.

To see excerpts of the all stories in this issue of The Profile online, click here.

To submit a story for consideration for publication on this website, email The Profile Editor by clicking here.

Posted online on Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

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Spring 2012 Meeting hotel and meeting info

Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected]) Please make plans to attend the Spring 2012 Meeting of The Society for Georgia Archaeology on Saturday, May 19th, at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville. The College is located at 1000 University Centre Lane, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043.

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