
Our first stop on our tour of libraries was in Newnan in Coweta County, where I got to pay a visit to the wonderful kids and adults at the A. Mitchell Powell and the Central libraries. Newnan is known for its beautiful architecture and it didn’t disappoint. I really wanted to get a picture of me with the statue of General Daniel Newnan down by the courthouse. He was a soldier and later became Georgia Secretary of State and a United States Congressman BUT duty called so we headed out to the libraries. We met Librarian Machelle Hill who was a big archaeology enthusiast, but I was even able to teach her a thing or two!The crew and I had such a great time! About 130 folks came out to “dig into” ArchaeoBus activities and some children convinced their parents to let them come twice! They really liked reconstructing pottery and the interactive exhibits inside were big hits. I liked Newnan and I think Newnan liked us!


Next stop—Doraville in DeKalb County! I read that this place was once a sleepy farming community. Can’t tell that by looking at it today! We arrived at the Doraville Public Library and got an enthusiastic welcome from Librarian Joanne Lancaster. My crew and I really enjoyed our visitors there. Let me tell you, those kids really knew their stuff!


My New South Associates crew were sunburned but happy at the end of our first week’s adventure. We visited two great Georgia cities, met interesting people, and got to talk about my all time favorite topic—archaeology. What a great start to what is sure to be a fantastic summer for my crew and me!

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June 29, 2015

Photo 1 J.R. gets to work repairing my cabinets. Here local guest inspectors Agnes and Rene’ examine the first stage of my spa treatments. Fortunately, they gave me high marks all around.

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