Submitted by Melissa McKay, SGA Secretary

For the 21st year, the SGA is coordinating Georgia Archaeology Month, a statewide promotion that encourages the public to learn about the archaeological resources present in our state and creates awareness about the importance of protecting Georgia’s archaeological heritage. Your help is needed to plan the activities that will be the basis of our calendar of events. Possible activities include site tours, workshops, excavations for the public, open houses at museums or laboratories, exhibits, and lectures.

Please join in and help celebrate Georgia Archaeology Month 2014! Your event will be included in the calendar of events brochure, which will be distributed statewide and well as posted on the SGA website. This year’s Archaeology Month theme is “Site Destruction: Pieces of Our Past Lost Forever.”

To submit an event, complete this form and submit it to Melissa McKay. Click here for a pdf of the call for events that you can share.

Posted online on Sunday, March 30th, 2014

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Host an Event for Georgia Archaeology Month May 2010

Submitted by Pamela Baughman ([email protected]) For the 17th year, the SGA is coordinating Georgia Archaeology Month, a statewide promotion that encourages the public to learn about the archaeological resources present in our state and creates awareness about the importance of protecting Georgia’s archaeological heritage.

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