Submitted by Tom Lewis ([email protected])

The Society for Georgia Archaeology (SGA), Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists (GCPA), and Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) are sponsoring student research grants for 2014. These research grants are competitive awards given to support undergraduate and graduate student research that focuses on the archaeology of Georgia.

This grant program has been established by the SGA, GCPA, and DNR in order to encourage the study and preservation of Georgia’s cultural heritage and to encourage the study of such by new generations of potential scholars. Recognizing that funding for the study of Georgia’s cultural resources for both undergraduate and graduate students is increasingly becoming a limiting factor in the ability of students to study Georgia’s past, this research grant program was established.

All applications should be submitted in PDF format to Tom Lewis by clicking here. The deadline for submission is September 1, 2014.

For grant requirements, submission instructions, and a downloadable application, please follow this link.

Posted online on Friday, March 28th, 2014

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