The Society for Georgia Archaeology is proud to offer this year’s Georgia Archaeology Month poster showcasing the theme Site Destruction: Pieces of Our Past Lost Forever—and May is Archaeology Month in Georgia. Download the poster by clicking here. To view all the stories on this website about Georgia Archaeology Month click here.

The SGA’s Spring Meeting will be held Saturday, May 10th in the Lakeside Ballroom at Red Top Mountain State Park near Cartersville. Please join us for lectures and a discussion of some of the causes of archaeological site destruction and hear how we can become better stewards of these irreplaceable resources. Click here to view the agenda for the meeting. We hope to see you there!

Posted online on Monday, May 5th, 2014

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Download publications from the SRARP

The Savannah River Archaeological Research Program (SRARP), a division of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, has added new content to their website. Among the additions are PDF versions of all 12 publications in the Savannah River Archaeological Research Papers and the four volumes in the Savannah River Archaeological Research Heritage Series.

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