Submitted by Tammy Herron

May is Archaeology Month in Georgia, and the 2014 Spring Meeting is only days away! Please click here to for an official press release announcing the twenty-first annual Georgia Archaeology Month celebration and the upcoming 2014 Spring Meeting of the Society for Georgia Archaeology to be held in Cartersville, Georgia on Saturday, May 10th. Help us spread the word about Archaeology Month and the spring meeting. Our theme this year is Site Destruction: Pieces of Our Past Lost Forever.

This week SGA president Tammy Herron and several board members were on hand at the State Capitol with Governor Nathan Deal for the official signing of the Archaeology Month Proclamation.

To discover more about Georgia Archaeology Month, click here.

Posted online on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

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Officers and Board of Directors

Officers President: KC Jones Vice-President: Mary Porter Freeman Secretary: Lori Thompson Treasurer: Raine (Chance) Miller Editor, Early Georgia: Kate Deeley Editor, The Profile: Delana Gilmore Parliamentarian: Lindsey Hinson Ex-officio/Past-President: Stefan Brannan

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