Welcome to the 2016 Society for Georgia Archaeology Spring Events!
We hope you have an enjoyable, educational, and delightful weekend. To ensure admittance, please wear your name tag to all events!

Friday, May 20

**1:00-4:00      **Pick up your registration packet at the St. Mary Visitors Center, 400 Osborne St., St. Marys, Georgia. Explore St. Marys!  Use the map in your packet to locate key spots.

  • Interpretive Trail (your packet contains a printed guide for this).
  • Cumberland Island National Seashore Museum, including Point Peter exhibit (Special tour of curatorial floor with your SGA name tag.)
  • Norris Marsh Walk
  • Oak Grove Cemetery
  • Historic Downtown Area

3:00-5:00     Orange Hall, visit and learn from archaeologists Kay and Dean Wood about the archaeology done there (Free admission with your SGA name tag.)

**6:30     **Social Time. Camden Hall, in the Cumberland Inn & Suites, 2710 Osborne Rd., St. Marys. Don’t forget your drink tickets! Please wear your SGA name tag.

7:00-9:00     Dinner, SGA Mini-Meeting, Keynote Presentation by archaeologist Meredith Hardy.

Saturday, May 21

8:30     Gather outside at the Cumberland Island Visitors Center. Please wear your SGA name tag.

9:00     Depart promptly on SGA charter boat. DO NOT take the regularly departing ferry that leaves from the same dock area!

9:00-9:45     Sail to Cumberland Island, debarking at Dungeness dock.

9:45-10:00     Restroom Break.

10:00-4:00     Round Robin tours at 10, 12:30, 2:30. At 10 am participants break into three groups to participate in all three tours:

“Footsteps Tour” of Dungeness historic area. Guide-Curator John Mitchell.

“Plum Orchard Tour”. Guide –Interpreter Nick Roll. Van travel to site.

“South End Tour”. Guides – Archaeologist Meredith Hardy & Chief of Resource Management  John Fry.

4:00-4:45     Visit Ice House Museum & Free time for exploration.

4:45     Board SGA charter boat at Dungeness dock. DO NOT take the regularly departing ferry.

**5:00     **Sail promptly to St. Marys, returning at 5:45.


Special Thanks to the following for their enthusiastic assistance:

Angela Wigger, Director of Tourism, St. Marys Convention & Visitors Bureau

Meredith Hardy, Archaeologist, Southeastern Archeological Center, National Park Service

Staff, Southeastern Archeological Center, National Park Service

John Fry, Chief of Resource Management, Cumberland Island National Seashore, National Park Service

Gary Ingram, Superintendent, Cumberland Island National Seashore, National Park Service

Richard Butler, Cumberland Island Inn & Suites

Cumberland tour guides John Mitchell, Nick Roll, and Bernie Huber

The many SGA members who worked to bring you this weekend.

Posted online on Thursday, May 19th, 2016

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