Figure 1. Here I am outside the Classic Center in Athens getting ready for my big day!

Figure 2. My view of the booths in action! Archaeology volunteers and the public unite!

Not only was I there, along with my inside and outside activities, but the University of Georgia’s Center for Applied Isotope Studies had a booth where kids could earn a Jr. Archaeologist Badge. Visitors could see a collection from the early 20^th^ century African American campus of Fairview at the Georgia Historic Preservation Division’s booth. Georgia State University showed off its MARTA collection of artifacts documented during some of the archaeology for the construction of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority projects. Georgia Southern University shared information about its Camp Lawton Archaeological Project, which located and recorded remains of a Civil War prison in Millen, Georgia. The University of North Georgia booth included its volunteer and student engagement program in archaeology. Visitors could try out the Traveling and Teaching Trunks at the booth hosted by the University of West Georgia, Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Archaeological Lab. So many things to see, touch, and do!! (Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6)

Figure 3. Joey and Tammy overseeing outside activities and the SGA publications table.

Figure 4. Betsy shows off my interactive palynology matching game!

Figure 5. Here’s another view of the action. Corey’s on the left. I really like that guy!

Figure 6. P.T. and Tammy showing off some of SGA’s fabulous publications, Early Georgia and Frontiers in the Soil!

I got to tell you, Diary, visitors at this event were a savvy group, indeed! Many members of the public already knew about science and how important scientific study is for our world. And many of them also knew some things about archaeology! Of course, all those archaeologists at the conference already know WAY MORE about archaeology than I can ever hope to know. But it was fun to see how they enjoyed the way I presented archaeology in my games and exhibits on the bus and my activities on the tables outside (Figures 7, 8, 9). I was especially proud when the archaeologists who are also specialists in public outreach came on board and said nice things about me (Figure 10).THEY appreciate how important it is to get the word out to the public about archaeology in an exciting and memorable manner! Archaeologists are a fun and crazy group!

Figure 7. Learning about traditional stone tools!

Figure 8. Everybody liked the exhibits inside me!

Figure 9. The event was bustling throughout the day!

Figure 10. A smile of approval! They like me, they really like me!

MY crazy group helped me set up and worked the crowds. They included P.T. Ashlock, Erika Carpenter, Rita Elliott, Tom “I don’t need no dumb alarm clock” Gresham, Tammy Herron, Corey McQuinn, Joseph Roberts, Betsy Shirk, and Stefanie Smith. Thank you all! And thanks to my new friend who helped, Karen Dolores Medina-Lomba.  And thanks to my all-star backup support crew including Dan Elliott, Gisela Weis Gresham, Lee Herron, Leslie Johansen, Joel “Rubberband” Jones, and Tom Lewis. And thank you to helping hands that I may have overlooked in the frenzy! You are the best! I can hardly wait to go to a future SEAC, where I may see little boys and girls who have grown up and become archaeologists!

Figure 11. I had fun Athens! Bye SEAC! Until next time!

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December 21, 2017

Figure 1. Discovering socio-economics through puzzle pieces. Figure 2. Getting a helping hand at identifying seeds, pollen, and phytoliths from archaeological sites. Figure 3. All hands on deck, inside the ArchaeoBus!

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