The Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society has recently released its March newsletter- Atlanta Antiquities Vol. 6, No. 3. The newsletter contains information about the March guest speakers, graduate students from Georgia State University who will be talking about their research. Benjamin J. Schaefer, Breidy Ivan, and Jessica M. Moss. Both Ben and Breidy specialize in biological archaeology, and both completed their thesis research projects working in Peru. Jes is finishing up her thesis in archaeological visualization and public educa-tion. Each presentation will be approximately 15 minutes long with a questions and answer session after.

Don’t forget the next meeting is on March 13th at 6:30pm at Fernbank Natural History Museum.


Posted online on Thursday, March 8th, 2018

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Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society Newsletter- February 2018

The Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society has recently released its February newsletter- Atlanta Antiquities Vol. 6, No. 2 The newsletter contains information about the February guest speaker, Dr. David Noble, who will present on Kettle Creek Revolutionary War Battlefield.

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