On Saturday, April 14, the Society for Georgia Archaeology and the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists annual prizes were awarded at Georgia Social Studies Fair. The Society judges were blown away by the quality of the student projects and selecting winners was a difficult process.

View of the Social Studies Fair

The Society for Georgia Archaeology award was given to Duncan Santos for his project: Confederate Statues: Reminders of Slavery or Remembrance of History?

Duncan Santos with his project: Confederate Statues: Reminders of Slavery or Remembrance of History?

Heather MacKenzie (GCSS President-Elect) Award winner Duncan Santos, SGA Board Members Kate Deeley and L.K. Schnitzer.

The Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists award was given to Sophia Brooks and Lauren Hughes for their project: Savannah Yellow Fever. Congratulations to all our winners for the excellent projects!

Sophia Brooks and Lauren Hughes with their project: Savannah Yellow Fever.

Posted online on Monday, April 23rd, 2018

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Georgia Social Studies Fair 2016-- special Archaeology Award winners!

Submitted by Richard Moss The 2016 Georgia State Social Studies Fair was held Saturday, April 16th at Clayton State University in Morrow. The Society for Georgia Archaeology (SGA) and Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists (GCPA) proudly sponsor two special prizes awarded each year at the fair, and it was my pleasure to attend and present the awards of $50 and a copy of Frontiers in the Soil to two deserving students!

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