SGA Store

1 Min Read

The SGA plans to make available on-demand items like Tshirts, mouse pads, and beer mugs. Proceeds from these purchases will help the Society reach its education, preservation, and stewardship goals.

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SGA ups its online profile!

5 Min Read

The SGA’s website committee—that is: Michael Shirk, Kevin Kiernan, and Sammy Smith—has been hard at work developing a new website for the Society. Actually, the three of us have been working on content and ideas for the structure of the site.

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SGA welcomes new editor

2 Min Read

The SGA has a new editor of The Profile and the website content. Please meet Ben Steere! If you have a story or a story idea you think might be appropriate for The Profile/the website, please write Ben here for information and consideration.

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SGA's 2011 Spring Meeting agenda set

1 Min Read

The agenda is set for the SGA’s Spring Meeting, which will be held at the Henry County Chamber of Commerce in McDonough on Saturday, May 14th. Events associated with the meeting commence on Friday the 13th, and continue on Sunday the 15th.

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SGA's Spring Meeting, May 15th, near Albany

2 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology invites you to join us in honoring the our state’s seventeenth annual Archaeology Month! The theme is “Making the Past Come to Life! Exploring Ancient Techniques.

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SHA Annual Meeting in Albuquerque

1 Min Read

Submitted by Jim D’Angelo ([email protected]) Pictured left to right: Joe Joseph, Rochelle Banks (TRC-Houston), SHA Conference Chair Howard Higgins (TRC-Albuquerque), Mary Beth Reed, Jim D’Angelo, and Barbara Garrow. The Society for Historical Archaeology and Council on Underwater Archaeology held their annual meetings jointly in Albuquerque, New Mexico this past January, co-sponsored by TRC.

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1 Min Read

short for potsherd; potsherds are broken pieces of pottery or ceramics Posted online on Sunday, March 15th, 2009

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Singer-Moye ownership shifted to UGA

2 Min Read

Submitted by Mike Bunn ([email protected]) On Monday, November 17, 2008, the Columbus Museum formally transferred ownership of the Singer-Moye mound site property, located in Stewart County, to the University of Georgia.

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1 Min Read

any area showing evidence of human activity as revealed through artifacts and/or features Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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site steward

1 Min Read

a volunteer who watches a site, reports on any activity such as vandalism and looting, and assists archaeologists and land owners in preserving the archaeological resources in the site Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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