Speaker at the GAAS November 9th meeting will discuss Spanish Paleolithic cave

2 Min Read

Submitted by Allen Vegotsky ([email protected]) Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society member Allen Vegotsky sent thesga.org this notice…. GAAS is a Chapter of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. I am very pleased to pass on this notice of the next GAAS presentation by Dr.

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Special containers---golf bag and handbag: Audacious Archaeology Auction items (\#4)

2 Min Read

During the day on Saturday, meet with SGA members at the semi-annual meeting, at the Zell B. Miller Learning Center (48 Baxter Street at S. Lumpkin Street, Athens, 30605) on the campus of the University of Georgia in Athens.

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1 Min Read

in biology, and science in general, refers to a group of organisms that are similar and capable of exchanging genes, or interbreeding The species is a natural taxonomic unit. Taxonomists classify organisms based on similarities.

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Spread the Word, Save Our Sites

5 Min Read

Contact Your Representative today : A Call to Action. Help Protect Archaeological Sites in Georgia! The public needs to share its concerns with the media and elected officials by contacting members in the House of Representatives and sharing the press release with your local news outlets.

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Spring 2009 Meeting a grand success!

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) What an exciting day! At the all-day 2009 Spring Meeting, held May 16th at Wesleyan College in Macon, we enjoyed formal presentations on current research and provocative ideas about many aspects of Georgia archaeology, touching on the theme of this year’s Archaeology Month: Mounds in Our Midst: Monuments of Prehistoric Culture in Georgia.

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Spring 2010 meeting housing information

3 Min Read

The Spring 2010 Meeting of the Society for Georgia Archaeology will be Saturday, May 15th, at The Parks at Chehaw, just outside of Albany. The SGA has reserved a block of rooms at the Country Inn & Suites, one of Albany’s newest hotels.

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Spring 2012 Meeting hotel and meeting info

3 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected]) Please make plans to attend the Spring 2012 Meeting of The Society for Georgia Archaeology on Saturday, May 19th, at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville. The College is located at 1000 University Centre Lane, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043.

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Spring 2013 issue of The Profile now available

1 Min Read

You now can download or read issue number 156 of the SGA’s quarterly newsletter, The Profile. The stories in the issue are compiled from articles first presented on this website in January, February, or March of 2013.

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Spring 2014 issue of The Profile now available

1 Min Read

You now can download or read issue number 159 of the SGA’s quarterly newsletter, The Profile. The stories in the issue are compiled from articles first presented on this website in January, February, or March of 2014.

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Spring 2014 President's Message

6 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron, President Spring is finally in the air, and the warmer temperatures have me yearning to be outside working in the field rather than tied to a desk and computer.

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