Thanks, archaeology volunteers

3 Min Read

Submitted by Jack T. Wynn ([email protected]) “Archaeology is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!” David Hurst Thomas (and probably others) caught our attention with this comment on his life’s pursuit.

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The (electronic) Profile is coming!

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jack the Badger ([email protected]) Greetings, Georgia Archaeologists! THE PROFILE IS COMING! THE PROFILE IS COMING! Well, it’s coming if YOU help bring it along! What’s coming that’s super-special is that for the first time THE PROFILE will be entirely electronic—no paper mail-outs!

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The 2013 SGA Posters are on their way

2 Min Read

Submitted by Leslie Perry Each year The Society for Georgia Archaeology designs an archaeology awareness poster to celebrate May as Archaeology Month in Georgia. The 2013 poster was designed by SGA Board Member Amanda Morrow, with graphics assistance provided by Vince Macek of TRC Environmental Corporation, and support from the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program.

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The ArchaeoBus attends Girl Scout camp

2 Min Read

Submitted by Teresa Groover and Tom Gresham SGA’s ArchaeoBus, nicknamed Abby, visited a week-long Girl Scout Eco-camp in Oglethorpe County in July, 2011. The leader of the camp, Amy Glinski, was an archaeologist who is now a teacher.

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The ArchaeoBus is Georgia's Mobile Archaeology Classroom

2 Min Read

So, why should you have the ArchaeoBus visit your school? A Georgia teacher answers: Do your students groan every time you ask them to take out their social studies books? Do you get blank stares when you ask students to discuss specific time periods in history?

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The Bigger Picture: Using Landscape Archaeology to Better Understand Two Late Archaic Shell Rings on St. Catherines Island

3 Min Read

Submitted by Ginessa Mahar ([email protected]) Archaeological crews from the American Museum of Natural History have been excavating on St. Catherines Island for over 30 years. This fall we returned to the island with a very specific, yet far reaching research plan.

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The busy Christmas shopper

2 Min Read

During the holiday rush, here is a poem, as you consider the benefits of giving a contribution to the SGA Endowment Fund as a holiday gift. Such a gift is a wonderful way to recognize the business associates, colleagues, friends, and family in your life and is a great way to support public archaeological outreach.

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The Chattahoochee Valley Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration

1 Min Read

Submitted by Mike Bunn (The Columbus Museum) Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1864. Union pickets at rest on top of Confederate breast works southeast of Atlanta looking east to where the battle of July 22, 1864 began.

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The Encyclopedia of Life plans to catalog all species

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) En route to understanding the ecological context of our human past, archaeologists tend to be interested in non-human life and plant and animal communities. The Encyclopedia of Life is a website that seeks:

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The Endowment, an unexpected opportunity for insight

3 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) Working on the Society for Georgia Archaeology’s Endowment Fund has been an insightful learning experience. Most recently, it has been both a somber and uplifting one.

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