Visitors "dig" the SGA exhibit at CoastFest 2007

2 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Forehand The 12th Annual CoastFest—Georgia’s largest coastal natural resources festival—was held on October 6, 2007, along the scenic Marshes of Glynn in Brunswick, Georgia at the Department of Natural Resources Regional Headquarters.

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Volcanoes and archaeology: pros and cons

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Oblique view to the northeast of Mount Vesuvius today, with Herculaneum in the left foreground; note the current Bay of Naples shoreline has left the former port of ancient Herculaneum almost a quarter mile inland.

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Vols joined Pros at Kolomoki

7 Min Read

Submitted by Dick Brunelle ([email protected]) It is was once said, “June is the month for weddings”. Not in our field of avocational and vocational interest. June is the first full month when schools of all kinds release students of anthropology and archaeology, along with their professors, to “get down to earth” in archaeological pursuits.

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Volunteer for the SGA at CoastFest 2012

2 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) The ArchaeoBus and SGA’s exhibit area at 2011 CoastFest. Greetings All, Beautiful crisp fall weather tells us it’s that time of year again…time for CoastFest in Brunswick, Georgia.

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Volunteer for the SGA! Join now!

2 Min Read

The SGA needs you. The Society for Georgia Archaeology is a volunteer organization, and can only achieve its goals if you help. So, join the SGA and become an active participant in SGA activities.

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Volunteer opportunity: Johannes Kolb Archaeology & Education Project

2 Min Read

Johannes Kolb Archaeology & Education Project SC Department of Natural Resources Diachronic Research Foundation University of South Carolina Lancaster Citizens of the Pee Dee Great Pee Dee Heritage Preserve, Darlington County

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Volunteers give SGA a high profile at SAAs

2 Min Read

On behalf of the Society, SGA President Dennis Blanton has commended members for their considerable commitment, which kept our table “staffed” during the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting last week.

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Walk inside a building and look up

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Look up! You never know what’s above you, like this painted arched ceiling in…where?…have you seen it? Here’s another clue, it’s in a building in a major marketing center for Georgia.

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Walking the landscape: Georgia's prehistoric trails

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The Appalachian Trail in north Georgia in March 2009. Before Georgia had roads, it was laced with Indian trails or paths. These trails served the needs of Georgia’s native populations by connecting their villages with one another and allowing them to travel great distances in quest of game, fish, shellfish, and pearls, as well as such mineral resources as salt, flint, pipestone, steatite, hematite, and ochre.

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War of 1812 bicentennial commemoration planned

2 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) What does the USA’s national anthem have in common with Georgia’s Archaeology Month 2012? The War of 1812 is the focus of this year’s Archaeology Month theme in honor of the bicentennial celebration.

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