ArchaeoBus visits: teacher information

1 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology’s ArchaeoBus is a Mobile Archaeology Classroom. Teachers in Clarke County, Georgia, can make reservations now for January through June of 2010. Click here for Guidelines for Educators, which includes a request form and student response form.

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ArchaeoBus volunteers enjoy the Georgia National Fair: Story and photographs

9 Min Read

Submitted by Kelly Woodard ([email protected]) The SGA’s new website content editor Kelly Woodard compiled this story of the memories SGA volunteers took home after working at the ArchaeoBus during the Fair.

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ArchaeoBus wrapped for the road

1 Min Read

In November 2008, the ArchaeoBus got wrapped! A generous grant of $5,000.00 from Georgia Transmission Corporation, the public utilities company that oversees all of the EMCs in Georgia paid for the output and installation of the wrap by Digital Graphics & Signs, of Athens.

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ArchaeoBus, Georgia National Fair, and seeds

1 Min Read

\ Visit the Georgia National Fair—October 7–17, in Perry! Step into the ArchaeoBus while you’re there! Find the ArchaeoBus not far from the South Gate, near the Petting Zoo! Enjoy fun activities with kids hosted by Society for Georgia Archaeology volunteers at the ArchaeoBus!

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Archaeogenetics summarized in Current Biology

4 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Global Genetic History of Homo sapiens is the title of a new special issue of Current Biology (volume 20, issue 4, dated 23 February 2010), with eight papers available free online.

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Archaeological data complements Civil War records

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Photo by Josh D. Weiss for the Wall Street Journal, showing Garrett Silliman recording Civil War archaeological remains. What happened in the Kennesaw/Smyrna area during June 1864?

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Archaeological documentation

2 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron, President An important aspect of conducting archaeology is documentation. Much of an archaeologist’s time is spent taking notes regarding observations in the field, filling out forms to document what is found in excavation units, taking photographs to document findings, drawing detailed maps, recording soils, completing artifact analysis forms, recording conservation treatments used on certain artifacts in the lab, and so forth.

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Archaeological Encounters in Georgia's Spanish Period

2 Min Read

SGA’s 2008 Archaeology Month topic was “Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period” and the Society produced an accompanying lesson plan for teachers. Part of the background text reads: We may never know exactly how the first meeting went between Spanish explorers and Native American Indians in Georgia.

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Archaeological Encounters in Georgia's Spanish Period

1 Min Read

SGA’s 2008 poster for Archaeology Month is “Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period.” In this dramatic and eye-catching presentation, three human figures in outline dominate the poster’s imagery. The figure on the left is of a Spanish Conquistador.

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Archaeological events of interest this week!

2 Min Read

The Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild will meet Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the United Community Bank Building on Morrison Moore Parkway in Dahlonega. Their meeting will feature Russ Wright who will give an illustrated talk on the “Glass Site”, a site located southeast of Macon with potential evidence the area was visited by Hernando de Soto’s expedition in 1540.

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