Archaeology cut from House budget

1 Min Read

Late on the afternoon of March 24, Georgians for Preservation Action, a group that works in partnership with the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, circulated an email reporting that the Georgia House budget for SFY 2010 cuts over $279,000 in funding for the Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, effectively gutting the state’s archaeology program.

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Archaeology Day in Augusta, May 7th, 2011

1 Min Read

Organizers of Archaeology Day at the 1797 Ezekiel Harris House, 1822 Broad Street, in Augusta, invite you to attend on Saturday, May 7th. Free admission. The event is sponsored by the Augusta Museum of History and the Augusta Archaeological Society, a Chapter of the SGA.

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Archaeology Day scheduled for May 6th in Augusta

1 Min Read

Organizers of the 2012 Archaeology Day at the 1797 Ezekiel Harris House, 1822 Broad Street, in Augusta, invite you to attend on Saturday, May 6th between 10AM and 4PM. Admission is free.

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Archaeology demonstration at the Callaway Gardens Preserve

3 Min Read

Submitted by Dean Wood ([email protected]) Screening at Callaway Gardens Site 9Hs157. Southern Research, Historic Preservation Consultants, Inc., and the Ida Cason Callaway Foundation held an archaeology demonstration dig in conjunction with the Summer Meeting of the American Council of Engineer Companies/Georgia on June 16th.

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Archaeology for Dummies

1 Min Read

Submitted by Nancy White ([email protected]) Wiley Publishing has just issued Archaeology for Dummies ($21.95) by SGA member Nancy White. The book tells how archaeology is detective work and traces over 2 million years of prehistoric human cultures.

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Archaeology in the Classroom

3 Min Read

Long-time SGA member Rita Elliott edited this 1992 special issue of Early Georgia; its full title is ‚“Archaeology in the Classroom: By Teachers for Teachers—Used Archaeology: Practical Classroom Ideas for Teachers by Teachers.

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Archaeology meeting and pottery washing---January 13th at New Echota

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jim Langford ([email protected]) Greetings to Friends of Archaeology in Georgia!! On Thursday, January 13, 2011, we will have our annual “pottery washing” event and workshop at New Echota Historic Site located near Calhoun.

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Archaeology Month 2008 recap

3 Min Read

Submitted by Betsy Shirk ([email protected]) From the spring symposium at Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta, which kicked off Archaeology Month, to the proclamation signing ceremony at the Capitol, which this year provided closure, Archaeology Month 2008 was a success.

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Archaeology Month 2009 Recap

6 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron and Betsy Shirk ([email protected] or [email protected]) The sixteenth annual Georgia Archaeology Awareness promotion, Archaeology Month 2009, had as its theme Mounds in Our Midst: Monuments of Prehistoric Culture in Georgia.

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Archaeology Month 2010 Recap

9 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy F. Herron ([email protected]) The Society for Georgia Archaeology’s seventeenth annual Georgia Archaeology Awareness promotion, Archaeology Month 2010, had as its theme Making the Past Come to Life: Exploring Ancient Techniques.

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