
1 Min Read

changes in the soil due to natural processes done by living things, which include the action of roots, worms, and digging creatures, etc. These processes cause the movement of and changes to artifacts and features after deposition.

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Birth announcement

2 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) The Society for Georgia Archaeology is pleased to announce a recent birth after a long labor. The new arrival is a beautiful, baby bus. ArchaeoBus arrived on November 21, 2008, measuring 16’ long and weighing several tons.

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1 Min Read

a long, thin flake of stone that’s produced in some techniques of stone tool making Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Blog reviews

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The blog is here. The blog’s title is Archaeology, Museums and Public Outreach. The blogger is Robert Connolly, Director of the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa in Memphis, Tennessee.

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Blood Mountain shelter

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The Appalachian Trail is a famous footpath that extends over 2100 miles from Georgia north all the way into Maine, the northeastern-most state in the United States of America.

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Blue jeans and radiocarbon dating

8 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) This Weekly Ponder began with an attempt to explain “cal BP.” The abbreviation stands for a calibrated date Before Present. But, what does “cal BP” really mean?

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Blue Ridge Parkway archive online with geolocation data

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Geolocation of the images categorized as Construction and Heavy Equipment (Construction), and Workmen in Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.

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Blueberries for...all?

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) These are modern high-bush blueberries. The fruit are still green; the photo was taken in Atlanta in early May. You may be hearing more about BlackBerries (the smartphones) these days, but blueberries are worth a Ponder.

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Board meets May 14th, Albany

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) In conjunction with the Spring Meeting during 2010 Archaeology Month, SGA’s Board and Officers met in Albany for about three hours on Friday afternoon, May 14th, the day before the general meeting.

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Book chapter highlights Holder's work on the Georgia coast

4 Min Read

Submitted by Keith Stephenson “Preston Holder’s WPA Excavations in Glynn and Chatham Counties, Georgia, 1936-1938” by Kevin Kiernan. Pp. 202-222. In Shovel Ready: Archaeology and Roosevelt’s New Deal for America edited by Bernard K.

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