Call for papers: Fall Meeting, Columbus

2 Min Read

The SGA is soliciting presentations for the 2012 Fall Meeting, to be held Saturday, October 27th, at the Columbus Museum’s Patrick Theater. We will listen to presentations in the morning, take a break for lunch (we may organize box lunches—stay tuned), then tour in the afternoon (including the acclaimed National Civil War Naval Museum).

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Call for Short Reports for the 2019 volume of Early Georgia

1 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology is looking for Short Reports for the Fall 2019 volume of Early Georgia!! Reports may be more technical, address a specific topic, and be of primary interest to relatively fewer readers.

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Call for Short Reports for the Fall 2017 volume of Early Georgia

1 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology is looking for Short Reports for the Fall 2017 volume of Early Georgia!! Reports may be more technical, address a specific topic, and be of primary interest to relatively fewer readers.

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Call for student papers or posters, Fall 2015 SGA meeting

2 Min Read

The fall SGA meeting is quickly approaching, but there’s still time to contribute! SGA is soliciting short paper and/or poster presentations for the fall meeting to be held the morning of Saturday, October 17 at Fort Daniel Elementary School in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

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Call for student submissions to The Profile

1 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology invites undergraduate and graduate students to submit brief research reports, reviews of archaeological presentations and lectures, and essays about archaeological fieldwork and field trip experiences to The Profile.

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Call your representative NOW about 2012 budgeting

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) It’s budgeting time (late February, 2012) for the State of Georgia, and once again the budget of the Historic Preservation Division (HPD), which includes the Office of the State Archaeologist and more, is threatened with debilitating cuts.

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Call your Senator/Representative---NOW

6 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected]) The time is NOW for you to act…. Dial NOW. Details below….\ Dear SGA Members, As you may have read in my President’s Message, the SGA has joined The Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives and will be listed as a supporting organization in the Georgia Archives advocacy document.

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Camp Lawton artifact news

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) In mid-August 2011, Georgia Southern University released a story on artifacts from Camp Lawton, a Confederate prisoner of war camp near Millen. This story is drawn from that information.

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Camp Lawton in the news

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Close-up from a contemporary news illustration of Camp Lawton from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News, January 15, 1865, kindly provided by the LAMAR Institute’s Dan Elliott. Note the stockade wall in the background.

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Camp Sumter at Andersonville: The notorious Civil War prison

6 Min Read

Submitted by Amanda Morrow Camp Sumter, now Andersonville National Historic Site, located near Americus in western Georgia, opened for the first time to prisoners captured from Union forces on February 24, 1864—150 years ago today.

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