Colonoware Examined: Another Heritage Remembered

2 Min Read

Submitted by Karen Denham Downen, BFA, MHP (Graduate Certificate in Native American Studies Potter, Educator and Preservationist) Colonoware Examined: Another Heritage Remembered is now available for purchase. All proceeds are used to fund activities and publications of the Conference on Historic Site Archaeology.

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Columbian Exchange quiz results

4 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) After late September (2011), you may have found a twelve-question quiz on our website about the Columbian Exchange. As we noted then, the Columbian Exchange refers to human contact between the Old World and the New World that began with Christopher Columbus’s First Expedition, in 1492.

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Columbus Museum exhibition on George Cooke and Thomas Hope

2 Min Read

The Annotations: George Cooke & Thomas Hope and the Influence of Antiquity exhibition is on view at the Columbus Museum through Sunday, July 22, 2012. George Cooke (1793-1849), who began his career as a self-taught painter, sought to increase his skill and knowledge by following the custom of many American artists in traveling to Europe.

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Columbus Museum to transfer ownership of an important mound site to UGA

8 Min Read

Submitted by Mike Bunn, Associate Curator of History, The Columbus Museum ([email protected]) Many readers of The Profile have no doubt heard of the recent announcement of the pending transfer of ownership of the Singer-Moye mound site from the Columbus Museum to the University of Georgia.

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Combating damage and deterioration of artifacts

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) JR, fabricator of exhibits in the SGA’s ArchaeoBus, takes into account the safety of artifacts that will be put in the exhibits when constructing the displays.

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1 Min Read

a relationship in which two or more organisms (e.g., humans and mice) live in close association and in which one may derive benefit from the other, and neither harms the other

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Comment period ends mid-August 2011 for Cumberland Island plan

3 Min Read

Photo from NPS website here. Original caption: The Grange, one of the reserved properties located in the Dungeness Historic District. The National Park Service manages the Cumberland Island National Seashore, along Georgia’s coast.

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Complete online survey NOW

1 Min Read

Georgia’s Historic Preservation Division (HPD) has composed a survey to solicit your input about the goals of their program. Fill it out now! It’s online! It’s easy! It’s important and it’ll take maybe five minutes of your time.

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compliance project

1 Min Read

an archaeological project, involving survey and possibly excavation, as required by law at the Federal or State level Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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1 Min Read

archaeologists use this term to refer to a particular period (or era) in which an archaeological site was occupied; a site occupied in more than one period is referred to as a multi-component site

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